10:30 AM

Our environment is casual and we simply want you to come as you are. You don’t need to be put together to do life with us. If you’re on the fence at all, we want you to hear us say… JUST COME! We remind ourselves a lot around here that we are REAL people, with REAL problems, but with a REAL HOPE!
Our Sunday services begins at 10:30 am at 5515 Park Springs Blvd in Arlington, TX.
The service lasts a little over an hour and includes a time of music and singing, readings from the Bible, a sermon teaching from the Bible, and then concludes with more singing.

We have specific activities for children during the service.
There are classes with trained and background-checked volunteers for babies all the way through 6th grade. 7th grade and up stays in the service with the adults.

We have a full band of gifted musicians leading the music portion of our service.
Our music style is modern paired with hymns and occasional throwback songs. We believe worship is a response to who God is and what He has done and we are purposeful to unify our song choices with the sermon passage being preached.

Our service times and people are welcoming to new people.
We love when people show up a little early to grab a cup of coffee or donut from our cafe as well as stay after to get to know people.

We are a multi-generational church.
You will find a diverse mixture of ages and backgrounds at Park Springs. We'd love to help you find a place to belong here!

Contact Us
5515 Park Springs Blvd.
Arlington, TX 76017
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Mon - Thur
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
6:15 PM - 7:30 PM
*Select Wednesdays during the school year